Emotion is everything for sports fans. We watch spectator sports for how they make us feel. Continue reading Emotions of Sports
All posts by Stuart
Battle Between Love and Hate
Love and hate sound like opposites but they’re not at all. Continue reading Battle Between Love and Hate
Three Kinds of Happiness
Is there more than one way to be happy?
University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman, leader of the positive psychology movement that studies emotionally successful lives instead of troubled ones, identifies 3 distinct kinds of happiness. Continue reading Three Kinds of Happiness
What Would it Take to Love Yourself?
Self love begins with acceptance. When you accept yourself as you are, with all your faults and failures, you are on the path Continue reading What Would it Take to Love Yourself?
Wealth and the “R” word
People with money never describe themselves as rich. It just isn’t done. The word “rich” has far too many negative implications. Continue reading Wealth and the “R” word
How Do You Know if You are Free?
Freedom is such a powerful idea. It’s the treasure of those who live in open societies and the yearning of those who don’t. Our precious freedom speaks to the soul of Americans like nothing else. But when you look beyond the lofty idea of freedom to your individual life, freedom is more complicated. How do you know how free you are? How can you tell? Continue reading How Do You Know if You are Free?
Rejoicing at Bin Laden’s Death
The murderous Osama Bin Laden is dead. Our nation is happy to hear the news. The good feeling has two distinct qualities. Continue reading Rejoicing at Bin Laden’s Death
Small Fears, Yours and Mine
How much of what you want to do do you avoid because of fear? Continue reading Small Fears, Yours and Mine
Talking about the Weather
It’s what people who don’t know each other talk about on elevators. And not about the weather at all. Chatting about the weather with strangers is about emotional comfort. Continue reading Talking about the Weather
Anger of Arab Spring
Anger of young people in the Arab countries continues to boil, as demonstrations against cruel dictators are growing in Syria and continue elsewhere. Anger, as always, indicates a feeling of having been victimized Continue reading Anger of Arab Spring