If you can get to the root of deep emotional pain and work it all the way through, you will make enormous progress toward better emotional health. Continue reading Wrestling with Emotional Pain
All posts by Stuart
Fatigue and the Emotional System
When you’re tired, you feel your feelings less intensely. The same emotions, triggered by the same events, just don’t rise to the same level. Continue reading Fatigue and the Emotional System
Afraid of the Storm?
As hurricane Irene ripped up the East coast this weekend, the news media overflowed with dire warnings about all the terrible things that could happen. Transportation shut down and events were canceled. Even where the effects of the storm were comparatively modest.
Why are storm warnings so dramatic?
The answer, in a word, is fear. Fear is the most powerful motivator we have. It commands our attention like nothing else.
The news media, always looking for a way to attract eyes and ears, play on that fear with non-stop updates and dramatic predictions of awful consequences. The public picks up on the fear. Governments and corporations are forced to overreact in response, if only to defend themselves from criticism should they be seen as having taken the threat too lightly.
This is not to belittle those in coastal areas who really do need to evacuate their homes and rescue their boats. But hurricanes, unlike tornadoes, develop slowly enough that there is plenty of time for the fear machine to build.
We can’t help being subject to fear. But a key to keeping fear from undermining our happiness is learning to judge when threats are real or exaggerated by those who profit from scaring us.
Why “To-do” Lists Work
Some people use “to-do” lists all the time. Now the research tells us why they help. Continue reading Why “To-do” Lists Work
Being Right and Other Values
It’s frustrating when you’re right, you know it, and you still can’t win. The frustration feels terrible. But how you feel is often far from the most important thing. Continue reading Being Right and Other Values
Emotional Pain
Emotional pain hurts. Recovery from that pain grows you and teaches you more than almost anything.
Walk Disappointment Away
The feeling of disappointment is sadness generated by a particular event or series of events. It’s an unpleasant feeling. Here’s a way to get through it more quickly so you can get on with your life. Continue reading Walk Disappointment Away
Summer Closing Down
Cooler temperatures in August, the first acorns dropping from the oaks, hint at the coming end of summer. Emotionally, we feel ourselves preparing for the change. Continue reading Summer Closing Down
Why It’s Hard to be Happy
Humans never evolved to achieve happiness. If you’re not naturally great at making your life happy, it’s not your fault. Continue reading Why It’s Hard to be Happy
Sadness and Depression: There’s a Difference
Are you depressed? Or are you just feeling sad? Sadness and depression are not the same, though we often use the words interchangeably. It helps to understand the difference. Continue reading Sadness and Depression: There’s a Difference